Tuesday, 28 November 2006

Some of my Produce

Pic 1... shows some of my produce for the season, incl; Beetroot pickled, beetroot chutney, tom,apple and chilli chutney, frozen, runner beans, turnip, leeks and broad beans.
Pic 2... Some trays of Tomatoes that I grew in my greenhouse at home, storing in garage till they ripen or go bad, there's; Yellow Perfection, Roma (italian plum), and traditional favourite
Alacante, some of these were used in my chutneys.
Pic 3...I thought I'd try Cape Gooseberries for something a little different, the fruits inside these
little lanterens are golden coloured and have a very pleasant but unusual taste, the plants take up about as much space as tomatoes, but the yield is far smaller, but worth a try !
Pic4....here's my first attempt at pickling shallots, they are just about ready, will go down nicely at Christmas.

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