Saturday, 17 March 2007

Ides of March

Well it's mid March already, it's actually St Paddy's day today, this is when some of the 'want to take a chance' guys down the plot traditionally plant their first early spuds, I was even smarter off the mark and planted mine last week (12th-14th), planted 5 rows of earlies, Epicure, Maris Bard and Arran Pilot....if I've made a boob and the frost get them..then what the hell, it's worth the risk, just to be able to get my nashers into them as early as possible:-)

Picked the last of the carrots, which were riddled by the 'Fly', still used them, cut out the bad bits, they were they lovliest and sweetest ones I've ever tasted. started diggin Brassica bed, coming on nicely and started to prune raspberries, really not sure how to, but cut out loads of old wood, will need to strenghen posts that support them,will wait to see when they fruit and if they are autumn fruiting,(as I suspect ), then I will prune them hard after fruiting is bye.

left pic shows before and right shows after, will now need to think of a use for the old dead canes...mmm????
bye for now...Happy Gardening...VP

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