Sunday, 4 February 2007


Been busy few days as the weather has picked up and able to carry out much of the jobs on hold. greenhouse is now dismantled and ready to be taken to the allotment,yes in my car with greenhouse down this gave me chance to get stuck into building new fence; 30' long x 6' tall, post holes all dug out and new posts,8' tall, concreted in to 2' deep, will test tomorrow to see how strong they are, reason I say this, is that our local B&Q ran out of instant concrete (surprise, surprise) and I had to settle for the longer setting stuff, if all is well should get most of fence up tommorrow (nightshift), this job was not scheduled for this time of year but down to strong gales this year, the old larchlap gave up...Again!!!
when fence is up can concentrate on removing greenhouse base, which could be difficult as it was concreted in, then onto rebuilding it on plot (only hope I can mind how to do it:)Looked out the window last week at neighbours garden to see Daffs in flower....IN JANUARY !!! very strange..whatever next...Sweetcorn in March ???
..until we talk again...happy gardening...Veggie Perin

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